Palliative Care
Palliative care is a holistic approach that treats a person with serious illness of any age, and in any setting. It involves a range of care providers and includes the person’s unpaid caregivers.
If you have a serious illness, palliative care can:
This Approach to Care Can Involve : -
Management of symptoms such as:
These services aim to make you and your caregivers feel as comfortable as possible, even while going through treatments intended to cure your illness. They can include personalized treatment plans that meet your needs and the needs of those who are caring for you.
Available Services
Palliative care can be provided in a variety of settings, such as :
Many people prefer to receive care at home as it can be more comfortable for them with the right supports.
The majority of people living with serious illness can have high quality palliative care provided directly by:
Primary Health Care Providers, Such as :
Many people prefer to receive care at home as it can be more comfortable for them with the right supports.
Primary health care providers can help provide palliative care for people with serious illness that:
This Can Include Helping to :
If you need more specialized services, primary health care providers can refer you to other providers and specialists.